Weather Policy

Manningham United Blues FC will strictly adhere to the Weather Policy outlined in the FFV communication to match officials, issued in November 2009, until such time as this advice is superseded.

The communication (accessible from the link below), stipulates that in order to protect the players from extreme conditions, games and training should not take place in the following conditions:

  • Ambient temperature
  • Wet bulb globe temperature (shade)
  • Apparent temperature (wind chill)
  • Wind Speed
  • Rainfall
  • > 36 degrees Celsius
  • > 30 degrees Celsius
  • < 2 degrees Celsius
  • > 40km per hour
  • > 80mm within 24 hours

Where it is thought that these conditions will exist during games / training then play will be suspended / postphoned until such conditions do not exist. Coaches and/or Team Mangers will endeavour to notify parents in a timely manner should the game / training be suspended /postponed.